New hires and team expansions in Specialty Lines

We're pleased to announce some changes within our Global Corporate & Specialty Lines business to support the needs of your business.

  • Sophie Hitchcock - appointed as Aviva’s new Head of Construction
  • Luke Powis - promoted to Head of Crisis Management

Matt Gordon, Underwriting Director for Specialty & Property Investors said;

"Sophie has done a great job, first as Deputy Head of, and then interim Head of Construction and we’re exceptionally pleased to make her appointment permanent. We have big plans in the Construction space to capitalise on our capabilities and plan to make several more senior hires to further expand the team. In addition, Luke has been promoted to Head of Crisis Management to align our offering with the structures of Accident & Health and Contingency divisions of many of our broker partners. This move signifies another important milestone for Aviva as a leading Global Corporate & Specialty insurer, with a comprehensive offering. The first new product for the Crisis Management division will be a Political Violence & Terrorism (PVT) offering, which will complement Aviva’s existing global offering, launching next year.”

A growing team

Sophie and Luke’s appointments follow a number of recent hires that have helped to further bolster the strength, capability, and experience within our Specialty Lines business. These include:

Political Violence & Terrorism (PVT)

  • Ashwin Kapoor - will join Aviva as Head of PVT in September
  • Tom Brown - will join as Deputy Head of PVT in September


  • Holly Brewins - Lead Construction Underwriter
  • Tony Hine - Senior Construction Underwriter


  • Craig Bedford - Fine Art and Specie Underwriting Manager
  • Iman Davies - Cargo Underwriter
  • Richard Grant - Senior Cargo Underwriter

Accident & Health

  • Stephen Bannon - Senior A&H Underwriter

Our new teams look forward to meeting and working with you and your clients.

Want to know more?

Find out more information about our Specialty Lines offering and the additional classes of insurance within our GCS business.